« Scenes that matter » with Patti Stiles

Improvisational theatre can provoke the audience to question their own beliefs by presenting stories from a different point of view that may makes us question our beliefs. Where the unimaginable becomes understandable and the wrong may seem right.
This workshop uses challenging subject material and language that some may find confronting.
Workshop in english
Prices :
normal : 220€*
early bird (10 jours avant la date du stage) : 210€*
groupe (4 personnes minimum) : 200€*
adhérent de la Bulle Carrée (sans limite de date) : 200€*
groupe adhérent·e·s (4 adhérents minimum) : 190€*
*+frais de réservation
!!! Horaire samedi : 10h – 17h30 / Horaire dimanche : 9h30 – 16h
Focus on Patti Stiles :
Patti is an actor, improviser, director, instructor and playwright whose been working professionally in theatre since 1983.
She served her theatre apprenticeship at the world renowned Loose Moose Theatre and was trained by Keith Johnstone.
She has an infectious enthusiasm for improvisation. Mix this with her insightful improvisation technique, strong narrative skill and her spirit of play, and it is no wonder she is responsible for inspiring many hundreds of people to improvise. Her understanding of Johnstone’s work and philosophy, combined with her own discoveries and her wealth of experience on the world impro stage, has made her a “must have” teacher for performers and companies wishing to create spontaneous theatre with fine skill, strong narrative, heart and elegant style.
Patti has taught and performed in North and South America, Europe, Scandinavia, Asia, UAE and the Oceania region for numerous improvisation companies, festivals, and theatre schools and in the corporate arena.